ESAM AGM 2020 Presentation (Archived)

Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan Update
25 June 2020

In the 2004 annual budget, the GoC committed $3.5 billion over 15 years under the newly formed Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP). The goal of the FCSAP program was, and remains in place, to reduce environmental and human health risks while simultaneously reducing financial liabilities to the Government of Canada. The first 15 years of the program has proven successful, and as a result, Phase IV of the FCSAP program has been approved. ECCC and PSPC will be presenting on the details of the program including the duration of the current program, anticipated levels of effort and types of work, and procurement mechanisms in place to support the program.

ESAM would like to thank Rita Mroz of ECCC and all those who participated in this year’s AGM. The Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FCSAP) presentation can be downloaded at the link below:

Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan Update and Demand Forecast 2020-2025