Environmental Services, Public Services and Procurement Canada
Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC), formerly Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGC), is the Government of Canada (GOC) department that supports other federal departments and agencies in their daily operations as their central purchasing agent, real property manager, treasurer, accountant, pay and pension administrator, integrity advisor, common service provider and linguistic authority. PSPC consists of 19 branches including Acquisitions; Procurement (PSPC and GOC); Digital Services, and Real Property Services.
Environmental Services (PSPC-ES) is a group within the Real Property Branch of PSPC that consists of a team of experienced technical professionals dedicated to assisting federal departments and agencies in managing their environmental and greening government opportunities and challenges. In the Atlantic Region, PSPC-ES is highly experienced in providing project management, advice and guidance and planning for all Departments’ environmental regulatory and policy requirements, federal objectives and priorities. We provide strategic management and planning services for contaminated sites, impact assessment, Indigenous consultation, greening government and facility compliance.
Contaminated Sites Services
Our Contaminated Sites team provides services in areas of:
- Environmental Site Assessment – Federal Approach Phase I – VI
- Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment
- Remediation and Risk Management
- Long-term Maintenance and Monitoring
- Federal Contaminated Site Action Program (FCSAP) support
- Emerging Issues and Program Planning
- Federal Contaminated Site Inventory (FCSI) support
Environmental & Impact Assessment Services
Our Environmental Evaluations team supports component study areas that include:
- Marine Sediment Sampling and Benthic Habitat Surveys
- Environmental Effects Monitoring
- Archeological Investigations
- Species at Risk, wetland, sensitive habitat, avifauna surveys
- Indigenous Cultural Studies/Monitoring
- Oceanographic Modelling
- Marine Habitat Compensation Plans
- Environmental Impact Assessment
The environmental evaluations team also ensures regulatory compliance with relevant legislations, engages in impact assessment initiatives with other levels of government and provides advice and guidance on project- related environmental management and environmental protection planning.
Indigenous Consultation Services
Our Duty To Consult (DTC) team of advisors supports and delivers consultation on behalf of federal departments through an established procedural framework and network of contacts in the context of:
- Section 35 of the Constitution Act
- Ministerial Mandate Letters
- Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action
- Impact Assessment Act
- Indigenous Engagement
- Good Governance
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act
Sustainability and Greening Government Services
In line with the Treasury Board Greening Government Strategy (2024), our Sustainability and Greening team provides services in areas including:
- Certification of buildings for new/major project/existing buildings (LEED, Green Globes), building operation and maintenance (BOMA, LEED O&M), and wellness standards (Fitwel, Well).
- Climate risk vulnerability, adaptation and resiliency assessments of major projects, new construction and existing buildings
- Operational carbon assessments including scope 1, scope 2, carbon neutral studies, energy audits, GHG reporting and Federal Building Initiative (FBI) projects.
- Embodied carbon assessments for major projects and new construction projects (life cycle assessment (LCA) – e.g. Athena, One Click and other LCA tools)
- Audits for non-hazardous waste, single-use plastics and water.
- Collection of data for Treasury Board reporting such as construction, demolition, and renovation waste.
Facility Environmental Compliance Services
Our Environmental Regulations team is available to support your portfolio, projects and major projects with regulatory and technical services in the following areas:
- Petroleum Storage Tank Management
- Halocarbon Management
- Hazardous Products Management
- PCB Management
- Regulatory Audits
Our Custodial Health and Safety team is available to support your portfolio, projects and major projects with regulatory and technical services in the following areas:
- Asbestos – Surveys, Management Plans, Abatement
- Potable Water – Studies, Assessments, Investigations, Recommendations
- Indoor Air Quality – Studies, Assessments, Investigations, Recommendations
- Radon – Studies, Assessments, Investigations, Recommendations
- Legionella